CDB Sample Program (Client List) Form1 ListClient MenuFile &File MenuFileExit E&xit MenuFileSeparator MenuFileAbout A&bout... MenuClient &Client MenuClientAdd &Add... MenuClientUpdate &Update... MenuClientDelete &Delete... List1_Click MenuClientAdd_Click Client MODAL Form_Click @ Form_Load dbstat DbOpen cdbmenu db_error FALSE XDbRecordGetFirst setup lStatus dwStatus DbError dbxerrorX E_TESTDRIVEl nErrory nExtError Windows szTemp nIcon nStatus lErrorb lExtError E_NOTFOUND lNextClientNbr setuprecord XDbRecordAdd setuprecX DbClose szDescN DbFlush Form_Unloadn Cancel MenuFileExit_Click szString XDbRecordGetByKey4 szSearchString% addressrec address1 szTelephone szZip record~ doesn> MenuSortByClientName_Click nClientMode MODE_ADD szAppName MenuClientUpdate_Click nIndex clientlist ListClient ListIndex ListIndexEnd MODE_UPDATE szKey lClientNbr clientrecT bFlag LoadClientListBox AddClientToListBox AddToClientListBox XDbRecordGetNext@ E_NONEXT ListClient_Clickn Menu_CLientUpdateClick MenuClientDelete_Click XDbRecordFindByKey DeleteAddressMembers DbRecordDelete DeleteFromClientListBox ListClient_DblClick MenuFileAbout_Click About MenuClientAdd_Click Set the mode to add and open client dialog Form_Load Set global app name Client List" Open the databasea 'Change the open directory as needed... c:\proj\cdbw\" sampledb.dbd Error opening database!" End the application Get the setup record, if it doesn't exist create one setup" lNextClientNbr Start at client number 1000i setup" Error retrieving or adding setup record! Load the client list box Flush the record added to disk Form_Unload Close the database MenuFileExit_Click MenuClientUpdate_Click Get the highlighted client index Retrieve the recorde client lClientNbr Error retrieving record! Set the mode to update and open client dialogi LoadClientListBox Get the first record client lClientNbr Error retrieving Client record!" Retrieve all records Add to list boxn client lClientNbr Check for errors Error retrieving Client record!" MenuClientDelete_Click Get the highlighted client index Query user if OK to delete?l Delete this client?" Find the record client lClientNbr Error finding record!" Delete all address member records Delete the client record client Error deleting Client record!" Delete from list box Flush database ListClient_DblClick MenuFileAbout_Click